Circulatory Webquest

Circulatory Webquest


Where is your heart located? Use the stethoscope to find the location of the heartbeat and place a star on the body below where the heart is located.

Label the parts of the heart. Roll your cursor over the heart to identify the parts of the human heart. 

The Creation of Blood. Once you have clicked on the link, read the two articles that go along with phase 1 (“What is blood made of?” and “How is blood produced?”)

The Circulatory System. Once you have clicked on the link, read the two articles that go along with phase 2 (“How it works.” and “Blood vessels.”)

Donation. Once you have clicked on the link, read the two articles that go along with phase 3 (“What to expect.” and “Testing donated blood.”)

Blood Banks. Once you have clicked on the link, read the two articles that go along with phase 4 (“The blood center.” and “Storage and Distribution.”)